9 Important Pages Every Website Should Have

Deciding what pages to include in your website is the first step towards building a website that’s not only meaningful to search engines but also appealing to visitors. 

Having all the necessary pages on your website helps you provide relevant information about your products or services without repeating or unwittingly leaving out important details. 

For some businesses, a website is an extension of their brick and mortar stores, and to others, it is the only point of interface with customers.

Wondering what pages to publish on your website? Here’s a list of relevant pages that shouldn’t be found missing on your website.

What Pages Should Every Website Have?

  1. Homepage

The Homepage is the mother to every other page on your website. In most cases, it’s the first-page people visit when checking out your business online.

The Homepage is the gateway to other pages, such as Product or Service Pages, About Us, Contact Us, Blog, and more with a clear navigation bar.

It provides the basic information about your business, including the products or services you provide, what distinguishes you from the competitors and what customers should expect when they choose you.

From your website’s homepage, visitors can easily size up your business. It determines when they will spend time on your website or bounce out after a few seconds.

That said, it’s important to make your website appealing to visitors and customers by providing relevant information about your business and what you’re capable of doing to meet customers’ needs.

Everything from your copy to design should clearly highlight your most compelling benefits, and persuade people to do business with you.

Your homepage content can be strengthened using eye-catching visuals, images and video, to capture the visitor’s attention while highlighting your unique selling points.

The homepage should include your company’s logo and visible call-to-action buttons throughout the page.

  1. About Us Page

In the highly competitive market, telling a unique story about your brand can set you apart from the crowd and earn you a special place in the customer’s heart. Your About Us page is designed exactly to tell customers about your business, your team, your company’s history and your target audience.

You should leverage this page as an opportunity to share insights about your brand’s mission and vision, as well as some noteworthy accomplishments we have had since you started.

The About Us page is the best place to connect emotionally with your target audience. If you own a story that tells how your product or service has touched lives, tell the world about it. Such a brand or personal story humanizes your business and helps you create trust with customers.

For example, you can share a story about how your company is providing shelters to the homeless in your community or how you’re raising awareness among the locals about the pandemic.

In your page, avoid using generic statements like “We’re dedicated to providing quality services” and “We offer affordable services.” Such expressions are banal, rehashed and nebulous. Instead of throwing words around, find a way to clearly demonstrate your authority and the unique qualities that distinguish you from your competitors.

  1. Service page

If you offer services whether as an attorney, healthcare professional or home improvement specialist, you have to provide a list of all the services you provide. The ideal thing is to dedicate a page for each service you provide.

For example, if you run a digital marketing firm, you can have separate pages for PPC, Social Media Advertising, SEO, Branding and Lead Generation.

Start each page with a summary of the page before going into full details. When people visit your website, you want to make sure they have as much information as required to help them make an informed decision.

Make each page client-focused. Don’t overestimate your services to the point of basing your entire messaging on them. People don’t care about your services, instead they care about the benefits or solutions your services can provide. Make sure each service page clearly articulates the benefits you provide.

Importantly, make sure your page should reflect your expertise and professionalism. Your service page is the right place to demonstrate knowledge of industry trends and the outcome you strive to achieve for your clients. You can link to other valuable pages within your website to provide clients with every piece of information they require.

  1. Product Pages

Does your business deal in sales of a product like beauty products, gadgets or computers? You need a page to showcase the products you sell.

Unlike services, products are tangible items or objects. You can begin with a brief summary of your product, before going into the detailed specifics in terms of the features, qualities and prices. Each product page should have at least two pages showing the products from different angles.

If you operate an ecommerce selling multiple products, you need to provide a page for each product you sell on your website. You should also consider grouping products into distinct categories and adding a link to their individual product pages.  

Unlike service-offering companies, businesses that offer services have to periodically update their product pages, as they stock and run out of stock.  Each page should contain a detailed product description, including the features, size, weight and price of the product. Reviews from past customers should also be featured to help customers make decisions faster.

  1. Contact Page

Business success rests on how effective your team communicates with your customers or clients. Open communication helps build relationships with your customers.

On the one hand, communication enables you to learn about their needs, their pain points, their expectations and the role your product or service can play in meeting their needs.  On the other hand, this communication serves as a gateway to receive feedback from customers.

Apart from reading information on your website, customers can form an opinion about your business from the way you attend to a prospect either on phone call or via email. That said, you should see your contact page as a customer support tool with a key priority of providing answers to all the answers your customers may have.

Depending on your type of business, contact pages contain information such as your business’s physical address, phone number and email address. You can also integrate a live chat option to provide a quick response.

  1. FAQ page

FAQ is short for frequently asked questions. Not only do FAQs of your website provide answers to several questions that customers may want to ask, they are a good SEO practice to rank in position zero on Google. By writing questions and answering them, you improve your likelihood of attracting new visitors who are looking for answers to those questions.  

Be as authentic as possible when creating your FAQ page. It’s helpful to compile a list of questions you often come across in the process of interfacing with customers and provide as honest answers as possible.  

Also, your FAQ page is an opportunity to provide more information about your business and the products or services that you offer. Think about what visitors may want to know about and design your questions and answers around that area. For example, most customers are interested in knowing about your refund policy, if you offer 24/7 customer support, and what discount opportunities are available.

  1. Blog

Blog is the section of your website where you publish blog posts or articles on topics that are related to your products or services. Creating high-quality, relevant blog posts help you make a strong impression on the visitor while establishing your expertise in your industry or niche.

Blogging is a crucial aspect of inbound marketing. The best marketers nurture leads and convert them to happy customers by providing them with relevant information that helps them solve their problems. When you create and share blog posts that help the customer solve their problem, there are chances that they will visit your website and possibly do business with you.

Additionally, optimized blog posts can increase traffic to your website and accelerate your ranking in search engines like Google.

  1. Privacy policy page

In the age of digital literacy, internet users are now more sensitive to what online platforms, including websites and social media do with their data.

The privacy policy page is where you let your visitors know how you collect, store and use the personal information. Users provide personal information such as names, email addresses and phone numbers when filling out the contact form or about to download a freebie like eBook, or a guide.

Privacy policies are typically prepared by lawyers. While it’s unlikely that web visitors will visit the private policy page, it’s important to have it on your website. 

  1. Terms and Condition Page

Terms and condition page is another page that visitors are less likely to visit, yet still important to have on your website. This page clearly outlines the “rules” or “conditions” that visitors must agree to abide by to use your website.

Although there’s no stringent legal requirement for adding terms and conditions on your website, it can limit your liability if a customer or user takes you to court. It can also protect your copyrights to the content contained in your website in the case of plagiarism.

Having a functional website is important, but ensuring that your website has all the necessary pages is more important. Hopefully this post will guide you to determine the relevant pages to include the next time you’re designing a website for your business.